It's creeping up on me. The thought of September is such a bitter sweet feeling. On one hand, my little girl starts grade 1, and is in desperate need of interactions of her own age group. But on the other hand, my husband leaves until March 2011.
Lately I have been keeping busy with helping a fellow Military wife and friend with her two 10 month old twins. I have been over to her house every night to help with bedtime, and I plan to keep it up until her husband comes home next week. It gets me out of the house and I'm sure she appreciates the help. Putting baby twins to bed can't be easy on your own.
As I write this, my girls are screaming at each other upstairs. The concept of 'sharing' doesn't seem to apply to their sisterhood. Alexis has an eardrum-bleeding screech, and Trianna has the energy to feed it. And I wonder why I have headaches all day?
Time for rest. I need to get a handle on this headache before it sprouts into a full-on migrane.
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